Real-time graphs
Wind speed (km/h)
Cloud cover according to sky temperature (°C)
Night Sky Brightness (mag/arcsec²)
Day/Night Brightness
Temperature & Dew Point (°C)
Relative humidity (%)
Real-time values
Data by AAG Cloudwatcher (24/7)
Temperature: 13.31 °C
Average* Temperature on site: 19.6 °C
Humidity: 7 %
Average* Humidity on site: 26.74%
Dew point: -21.86 °C
Wind speed: 3 km/h
Average* Wind Speed on site: 6.86km/h
Gust: 3 km/h
Brightness: Sunny
Rain: Dry
Clouds: Clear
*Average values calculated since 2023-01-03 22:41:01.

Data by DarkSkyLab Ninox (only at night)
Last Reading: 2024-07-27 06:57
NSB: 16.3 mag/arcsec²
Zenith Galactic Latitude (ZGL): -67.6 °
Sun Altitude: -8.5 °
Moon Altitude: 44.9 °
Moon Phase: 57.66 %
Night Best NSB: 21.33 mag/arcsec²
Time of Night Best NSB: 2024-07-26 23:53
ZGL of Night Best NSB: -21.0 °
Best NSB: 22.13 mag/arcsec²
Date/Time of Best NSB: 2024-05-07 19:17
ZGL of Best NSB: 16.2 °

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